Manuel Jimenez
Beds are like a rock and small. Casino next door is a joke and dealers (not all of them but particularly a manager called "Gaby") are crooked. I was playing poker just me against the dealer and she (Gaby) and he (another dealer) were fixing the cards. When shuffling they didn't mixed the 11 top cards which were arranged by the dealer from previous play. When I cut, the dealer magically and quickly pull out the cutting card and left the 11 top cards ready to be dealt. They (both Gaby and male dealer) did it so quickly and not all the time, which was impossible for me to see and most of the time other supervisors called my attention to distract me. Since all casinos have cameras this is a systematic scam they have going on all the time. I guess when they have more than two players and some locals, they have difficulty doing this. I am wondering if someone can tell me if there is a government agency to report this issue. I know the hotel and Casino are owned by two different individuals, but they are one and the same as you can see by the name "Hotel and Casino Siesta".