candice larson
What is up with Belgrade and people that work at the casinos YELLING!?! It's not everyone. It's only a few, but it is CRAZY. I'm puzzled why they think everyone that goes in there is okay listening to you LOUDLY talk to your favorite people? It's not just a little loud; it's STARTLING LOUD. It's yelling across the casino at any given moment. I lost what I did win because this girl was rattling my nerves to the core! I couldn't relax; which is EXACTLY why SOME of us go to casinos! To just freaking relax!! This isn't Vegas!! Not everyone wants to WHIP IT UP. I'm a great tipper and was "up" but wasn't playing smart (like moving to another game) because I was so on edge. I was easily on my way to giving this person her fattest tip of the day. Think of EVERYONE in there for crying out loud. And I mean LOUD!!!!!! P.S. While I'm at it; show some class casino workers with looking at people's screens. SO invasive. If we want to talk to you about how we are doing, let us start-up the conversation. READ people. You'll make more money. Don't just assume everyone wants you looking at their amount and giving the "good job" or "way to go". READ PEOPLE. Tip oriented business...would you go up to a table you were serving food and yell? Nope.