I placed an order, for my friend Trevor. And, food was made up fast, for him under 10 minutes, or less.
Once the food was paid for with pre-paid card the Woman by the name: (Kassey) at the Bar said, she does not accept the form, of payment used.
I was asked by Trevor: Why??
Because, he has ordered, from Little Chicago Club in the past.
I told him I never asked why due to being short on time, but some people want to boycott.
And, possibly what just went down.
Because, there is no honest reason provided.
Trevor was at work, and asked me to get it, for him.
My first time at Little Chicago Club.
And, payment was taken, but with a word, of do NOT do it again, type of a speech.
I do not think it makes sense.
I am a private contractor providing a courier service. And, Trevor has me get his food often, for him while at work.
What alternative do you offer him, if you refuse the form, of payment Trevor provided?
Will you also offer him delivery?