Rodef Shalom Congregation

Rodef Shalom Congregation

4905 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

The Rodef Shalom Congregation is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where you can play the slots. This venue has an average rating of 4.7 out of 162 reviews, with the lastest ratings being between 4 and 5. It appears the reviews for the Rodef Shalom Congregation are fairly consistent, showing that everyone appears to be reasonably happy with the Rodef Shalom Congregation.

The Rodef Shalom Congregation does not appear to have any published opening hours, but you may find some more information on their website.

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Latest reviews

Joshua Schwartz
Nice temple.
Beth Lynn Eicher
What a beautiful and peaceful place. I enjoyed my visit. All are welcome to come for study and fellowship. They have security which you have to respect. This is not to scare away their neighbors, but the opposite: to provide a safe and wonderful space on a noisy world.
Craig Cochran
I've played Outrageous Bingo here twice now. It's a really pretty venue and it's nice to see the fantastic artwork on the walls.
Charles Yelich
Attended a Vocal Confluence concert. The auditorium was clean, well lighted, has comfortable seating and acoustically sufficient.
Quoop Quoop
Very nice place. Not too orthodox. Had my bad mitzvah there. Everyone is very excepting of everyone. Very beautiful sanctuary. Nice teachers. Hey morah Molly! Very laid back
Would recommend.