April 7, 2021
Restocking notices are still working. Getting on to the web site to buy cards has greatly improved; possibly due to the fact that, the $3,000,000 has been won. Way to go Ms. Kennedy. Good job Kinsmen. Hope the upcoming year is another great success.
March 15, 2021
Here we go again; tried for last hour and kept timing out went to the bottom of the page for help.
Now it says Error establishing data base. I can not at this time get on to the Kinsmen Bingo Website.
Great work done by this non profit organization, but there is ALWAYS SOMETHING WRONG WITH GETTING ON TO THE WEBSITE TO BUY TICKETS.
What is happening Raj!!!???
Best wishes for a speedy Ms. Kennedy.
Raj, good job filling in as master of ceremonies.
Restocking notices are working. Short waits to get on line tickets. Well done Raj.
Good improvement. Waiting room said placement of 488th and a 2 hour wait. 10 minutes later placement 240 and 2 minute wait. 5 minutes later, I was buying tickets. Well done. Keep up the great work; still some improvements required, but getting there. Way to go Kinsmen and Raj.
Tried for over 5 hours today; system kept failing.
Tried later in the evening and all the tickets were sold out. This system is not very impressive.
Since I rated this system, I have been receiving strange emails. Has anyone else been receiving strange emails.
Kinsmen does great work for the community. I am sure that they are not happy about the system frustrating their supporters.
Good luck in figuring out where the problem exists with the system. I know where I would start investigating.