Track announcer is a real joke when calling races, not professional at all.
This sport died many years ago in Montreal when the Casino opened in 1993. Loto Quebec killed the horse racing industry in Montreal. No new owner was able to survive without getting a certain amount of slot machines to operate the racetrack, Loto Quebec wanted no competitors , therefore refused to give more slots to the new owner.
Hippodrome 3R, is the only racetrack left in Quebec and is the oldest, dating back to the 1830's. The old Blue Bonnets was a real "Cadillac" racetrack in Montreal, and, an historic landmark, until the classless politicians decided to tear it down , shame on them!
Hippodrome 3R is still racing, however it will never be has charming as the racetrack that was once on Jean-Talon and Decarie in Montreal