Dissatisfied Customer
Reached out to management two weeks ago regarding the following incident and have not been responded to. I would highly recommend if you are under 40 to not frequent this establishment. Please post similar instances of possible ageism/discrimination, as it will help with litigation in the future, thank you.
Hello, I'm writing to inform you of an extremely unpleasant experience I had at your gaming establishment. A dealer, who was probably twice my age, abruptly told myself and friend we could not play at the two open chairs at their table because the area wasn't sterilized. After some time of waiting, an older gentleman was allowed to sit in one of the chairs we were waiting for and was allowed to play. We asked what was going on, as it was the same dealer who refused us service, and she said something about him dirtying that same spot previously. We don't believe this to be true, aren't sure what is so difficult about quickly sterilizing tables in a heavy customer traffic industry, but like I have said don't believe this to be the case. I feel that the dealer was keeping the space available for older customers who may be more likely, in her possible opinion, to spend more money. I found the experience to be incredibly disheartening, and a clear example of ageism. I wanted to reach out to management before pursuing this further this matter further as I definitely wanted I bring this incident to your attention.