Drammen Racingsenter

Drammen Racingsenter

Torgeir Vraas Plass 5, 3044 Drammen, Norway

The Drammen Racingsenter is in Drammen, where you can play the slots. This venue has an average rating of 4.7 out of 76 reviews, with the lastest ratings being between 3 and 5. The reviews for the Drammen Racingsenter appear to be a bit mixed.

The Drammen Racingsenter does not appear to have any published opening hours, but you may find some more information on their website.

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Latest reviews

Kristian Kristiansen
Do you like car games, are a group of friends who like to compete or just do something fun?
Here you can really experience something that is quite close to the real deal without driving in reality. There are an incredible number of cool cars and tracks to choose from. And this is suitable for everything from the younger to a little older.
And best of all! It's insanely fun!
You can drive against each other, get a total score along the way, both with and without VR.
You should call to make an appointment in advance, and you should set aside at least 3 hours. Drove 1 hour the first time and regretted it afterwards, you want to drive more!
Nice and very helpful staff
Highly recommended
Mathias OP
We were a bunch of 15 on bachelorette parties and everyone had a great time. Fully realistic car feel, committed and helpful staff and great facilities. Recommended!
Lena Rockstad
A place for all ages! In addition to raw car simulators, there is plenty of other fun that is suitable for those looking for pastimes with friends or kids.
Kjetil Sem
Robert Kotlaba
Best racing centre in Norway