Border Inn

Border Inn

Nevada 89311, USA

The Border Inn is in Kinshasa, Nevada where you can play the slots. They also have accommodation so you can stay the night if you wish! This venue has an average rating of 4 out of 439 reviews, with the lastest ratings being between 4 and 5. It appears the reviews for the Border Inn are fairly consistent, showing that everyone appears to be reasonably happy with the Border Inn.

The Border Inn does not appear to have any published opening hours, but you may find some more information on their website.

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Latest reviews

Terry DeCuir
Convenient stop for two nights.
Bob Jensen
Great place in the middle of nowhere. Be careful not to step off the end of the planet it's not that far from here.
Chris Miller
Nice place for a stop !
mamalimai Fantaztik
Very friendly and it has a little casino. Great gas and snack stop.
Russell Rhoades
I stopped here several times a year and absolutely love this place.